How Do You Get a License to Grow Cannabis in Canada

How do you get licensed as a commercial seller to sell and grow Cannabis

Currently in Canada, it is legal to produce, distribute and sell marijuana for medical purposes under federal license. We’ve provided consulting for corporations, organizations and individuals for many years and have assisted companies in obtaining federal licensing approval.

The Liberal government under the leadership of Justin Trudeau, has stated that in July 2018 they will begin  introducing new legislation regarding the legalization of the recreational production, sales and use of cannabis in Canada. Every province will be in chose how it will be regulated. In Ontario, it was announced that the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO) will be responsible for distribution.

There are now many licensed publicly-traded and private companies operating in Canada. In this new emerging economic sector, demand is the driving much growth, even before legislation has been introduced. Many new start ups open on a daily basis to meet market demands.

In other words, it is likely that the licensed medical cannabis producers will be serving the recreational cannabis market when cannabis is legalized in Canada.

It is also probable that the recreational cannabis licensed producer application process will mirror the current medical licensed marijuana producer application process.

The Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (ACMPR)

The Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (ACMPR) allows you to grow cannabis at home for personal medical use or produce, distribute and sell marijuana commercially as a business. As such, there are different types of licenses.

If you’re not living in Canada, there are many other resources to learn about cannabis activism online. Be sure to research the laws concerning cannabis in your area.


On October 17th 2018, Canada legalized recrerational cannabis. These new laws allow anyone to grow up to 4 plants at home. The best way to get started is to learn the basics of cannabis growing. There are many guides online but the one I recommend is free. To download this free guide simply visit . This guide covers all the basic and includes a coupon for their powdered cannabis nutrients and fertilizer.

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